Contact Me To Discuss How To Undertake a Successful Change Journey For Growth

A recent inc. study found that more than 92% of people fail to meet their goals without proper guidance and sustainable habits


If you want to meet your goals but cannot because of barriers that seem unsurmountable and you do not know how to do things differently for making lasting and positive changes, I am here to help you. Just book a free consultation with me by clicking the button below.

** These sessions fill up quickly. Please check back the next day if there aren’t any times available.

Here is the process we will follow:

1 – During the free consultation session, we will discuss your current situation and the challenges you are currently facing.

2 – We will then discuss a customized strategy to meet your specific needs. At that stage, if you feel that you would benefit from my coaching or training and want to engage further, we will decide on the next steps.

3 – If you are an individual needing help, my goal is to HELP YOU only in those areas where YOU need help. That is why I keep my fees simple and highly affordable at $100 per hour and do not charge separately for different items. You determine based on the free consultation what you need and for what time period and frequency – whether it is 30 minutes, 3 months or 3 years is entirely up to you. That way you can benefit from my coaching at a level that works best for you, unlike other coaches who are trying to sell you costly packages.

4. If you are an organization and need help with Organizational Change, our fees will depend on the scope of the help.

5. All consultations are via Zoom/Google Meet and at mutually convenient times.


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